Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Past the 200 Mark
As most people know, we have completed the paperwork and have been approved to be adoptive parents. The agency that we are working with is LDS Family Services. Since we started working with them, they have gone to an internet based system for applications as well as posting posting profiles for adoptive families for birth mothers to see. The cool thing about that system is that it actually tracks the number of people who view our profile page, photo album etc. I usually check on the numbers every Monday morning, and yesterday, I was pleasantly suprised to see that we had shot past the 200 mark for views of our profile page.
We've said it severl different ways to lots of people, but if anyone knows anyone who knows anyone... we are still trying to find an opportunity to adopt, and they say that the best (fastest and most reliable) way to find a baby/birth mom is to make sure that everyone that you know, is aware that we are looking and that referrals are definately accepted by LDS Family Services.
Anyway, we are just trying to do our best to get the word out.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Picture Troubles
We've Got Contact!!
We were able to get the basement floor poured during the first week of March. Then my Dad came and I helped him build the bearing wall.
On March 10th Valgardson & Sons, the house movers, came up and started getting set-up. We scrambled during the first couple of weeks that they were here working on things to finish getting things ready for them to move the house. they ended up framing in the garage end of the house for us so that they could move it more easily, and then they lifted the house up and moved it. They had the house lifted up off the foundation on March 18th, moved off to the side of the foundation on the 19th, and then they walked it down the road the 24th, rolled it over the new foundation the 25th, and set it on the new foundation on the 26th. The pictures tell more about the process than I can. Needless to say, it was pretty exciting to be able to watch the major parts of the process, and it is especially exciting to have a house sitting on our mud lot!!!
My goal for now is to get temporary occupancy within one month of the day that they set the house on the foundation. That will be April 26th. We've got a lot of work to do between now and then, but I think that it is doable. The heating guys came yesterday and today (April 1st and 2nd), the plumber will be there tomorrow (April 3rd), and hopefully we can get some electricity going this weekend. So, we are making progress.
We appreciate everybody's excitement and help!
Monday, February 25, 2008
How Firm A Foundation
Monday, February 11, 2008
Pink House? What Pink House?
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Here We Go
More pictures and exciting details should be posted in the next few weeks. Stay tuned...