Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Past the 200 Mark

Since I posted my totem from Wood Badge, I figured that I should probably pay homage to Michelle's Wood Badge critter as well.  Now we have an owl format for our blog.  Kind of fun anyway.

As most people know, we have completed the paperwork and have been approved to be adoptive parents.  The agency that we are working with is LDS Family Services.  Since we started working with them, they have gone to an internet based system for applications as well as posting posting profiles for adoptive families for birth mothers to see.  The cool thing about that system is that it actually tracks the number of people who view our profile page, photo album etc.  I usually check on the numbers every Monday morning, and yesterday, I was pleasantly suprised to see that we had shot past the 200 mark for views of our profile page.

We've said it severl different ways to lots of people, but if anyone knows anyone who knows anyone...  we are still trying to find an opportunity to adopt, and they say that the best (fastest and most reliable) way to find a baby/birth mom is to make sure that everyone that you know, is aware that we are looking and that referrals are definately accepted by LDS Family Services.

Anyway, we are just trying to do our best to get the word out.


Angela said...

I'll you keep you guys in mind, we love you!! Glad to see so many views of your page.

Marjorie said...

Oh good luck! You'll be first on my list if I hear anything. Best wishes, I hope it happens soon!

Unknown said...

I am very excited for you guys!! Adoption truly is a blessing, and hope the very best for you!!